Your Guitar Journey Begins Here

Learning how to play a guitar is not as hard as you think.

Learn How to Play Acoustic and Electric Guitars

Looking for Guitar Lessons in Troy, Michigan or the surrounding area?

  • Is your Acoustic or Electric guitar still sitting in the box or case?
  • Have you tried to learn how to play only to give up?
  • Are you unsure of the best way to start learning?
  • Would you like to play along with Rock and Roll, Country, Pop and other genres of songs?
  • Would you like to learn the basics and then have fun with it?
  • I can help you learn how to play!

I get it! My new guitar sat in the box for years, but you know what? I took lessons and became a pretty good guitar player. In fact, I have even had the opportunity to jam with other musicians and had a blast. I play along with over 700 songs and would love to teach you how to play using time tested methods that make guitar playing fun. In fact, by the time you end your second lesson, you will be able to play along with your first song.

What’s Keeping You From Learning to Play Guitar?

  • My fingers hurt!
  • My guitar is not good enough.
  • I’m embarrassed
  • I don’t know rhythm
  • I can’t read music

I’m happy to tell you that I use a specific method that starts with the basics and each in-person lesson builds on the previous lesson. It has worked with other students, and it will work for you too! Why not sign up with someone online to learn? The most important reason is that you cannot ask questions and get immediate answers. I will be sitting right there beside you with my guitar and will answer your question AND demonstrate the proper method on my guitar to the question you are asking about. You also can’t get feedback when you are doing something right or something wrong. With me as an instructor by your side with my guitar, I can show you techniques that you will probably never pick up with an online instructor. The result will be the ability to play along with your favorite songs, jam with others, and have a lot of fun.

how long are the lessons?

Each lesson is based on an hour. Many instructors give lessons in half-hour sessions. Most of the time, my lessons end up being about 70 minutes long. I have found that this is the right amount of time to learn new things but not get too bored or distracted. It’s impossible to learn properly in 30 minutes. Getting set up, tuning and warming up takes up to 10 minutes so if the lesson was only 30 minutes long, you would only get 20 minutes of instruction. My rates are very reasonable. In fact, you might pay the same rate at a guitar store for a 30 minute lesson. Prices will be discussed once you contact me using the Contact form above and we both agree that you will be the correct fit.

Here’s What You Get With Your Guitar In-Person Lessons in Troy or the surrounding area

  • Go from no knowledge of playing to playing with a song in less than 3 weeks
  • Learn to improve your speed
  • Have a step-by-step process to follow
  • Save time and frustration from trying to figure it out on your own
  • Easily learn chords and bar chords
  • Have fun playing along with your favorite songs
  • Learn how to sound interesting and musical every time you pick up your guitar
  • Impress your friends and family
  • Feel proud of your guitar playing

I’m looking for just one or two additional students in Troy, Michigan area. I will travel to you and give personalized lessons in the comfort of your own home. That’s why I limit my students to Troy, Michigan and the surrounding area.

Click “Next Step” below to get started:

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Here are several of the guitars that I own and use to give lessons to you

Detroit, Michigan USA
The Motor City!
